Indonesia. Pakistan poised to commence direct flights

In a special interview during the inauguration of the Bali Beyond Travel Fair in Indonesia, the country's Deputy Minister for Marketing Tourism and Creative EconomyNi Made Eau Marthini hinted at the imminent launch of direct flights between Pakistan and the southeast Asian country. Expressing optimism, the deputy minister conveyed the hope for the initiation of direct air travel connecting the two nations in the near future. Furthermore, she emphasised her commitment to collaborating with her Pakistani counterpart to facilitate this significant development. Reports have surfaced suggesting that the initial flights could potentially commence as early as December. Highlighting the importance of fostering investment and trade opportunities between the two countries, the deputy minister underscored the need to enhance their economic ties. Reflecting on the historical relationship between Pakistan and Indonesia, Marthini, emphasised the enduring strength of their bond, which dates back to their respective independence. Read Indonesia, Iran sign preferential trade deal During the interview with The Express Tribune, the deputy minister stated that although trade exists between the two nations, there is a pressing need to amplify its volume. She expressed the desire to enhance trade with Pakistan reciprocally, stating that tourism holds immense potential in achieving this goal. By encouraging visits from Pakistan to Indonesia and vice versa, the deputy minister believes their bilateral relations will deepen significantly. Marthini further emphasized the significance of the tourism sector and the importance of fostering people-to-people connections. Highlighting the vision of building a bridge between the two nations, she assured that concerted efforts are underway and promising outcomes can be expected in the near future. She elaborated on Indonesia's attractiveness as a tourist destination for Pakistani visitors, citing the country's top ranking in halal tourism and its striking culinary similarities to Pakistan. Additionally, she mentioned Lombok, a captivating coastal destination recently recognized as the leading choice for halal tourism by the Global Muslim Travel Index, which presents an ideal opportunity for Pakistani tourists after Bali. Extending a warm welcome to Pakistani investors, the deputy minister expressed her openness to investment from Pakistan. She encouraged Pakistani entrepreneurs to explore various sectors for investment, particularly highlighting the immense potential within the tourism industry. In a delightful revelation, the minister expressed her personal admiration for Pakistani cuisine, acknowledging herself as a fervent fan of its delectable flavors. Having savored Pakistani delicacies at the invitation of the Pakistani ambassador in Indonesia, she praised the cuisine for its irresistible taste.

Indonesia. Pakistan poised to commence direct flights Indonesia. Pakistan poised to commence direct flights Reviewed by Healthy Living Guide on June 17, 2023 Rating: 5

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