Russia-Iran military ties to endure geopolitical pressure - RIA

Russia's military cooperation with Iran will not succumb to geopolitical pressure, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said, following a report that Washington has asked Teheran to stop selling drones to Moscow. "There are no changes, and cooperation with Iran will continue," Ryabkov said, according to a report on Saturday from Russian state news agency RIA. "We are independent states and do not succumb to the dictates of the United States and its satellites." The US is pressing Iran to stop selling the armed drones, which Russia is using in the war in Ukraine, the Financial Times reported this month, citing an Iranian official and another person familiar with the talks. Iran has acknowledged sending drones to Russia but said in the past they were sent before Russia's February 2022 invasion in Ukraine. Moscow has denied its forces used Iranian drones in Ukraine. Read also: Iran unveils its latest attack drone Meanwhile, Iranian defence ministry spokesperson Reza Talaei-Nik said: "None of the transactions (regarding drones) that we have had ... with other countries, such as Russia, have been cancelled," Iranian state media reported on Saturday. Talaei-Nik also said several unnamed "Western and European countries" were interested in acquiring Iranian drones. Russia began using the Iranian-made Shahed drones to attack deep inside Ukraine last year. The so-called kamikaze unmanned drones do not need a runway to launch and explode on impact. A White House official said in June that Iran had transferred several hundred drones to Russia since August 2022.

Russia-Iran military ties to endure geopolitical pressure - RIA Russia-Iran military ties to endure geopolitical pressure - RIA Reviewed by Healthy Living Guide on August 27, 2023 Rating: 5

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