South Korea on Wednesday launched its nanosatellite into orbit as part of its project to create a satellite constellation by 2027, local media reported. The Earth observation satellite lifted off aboard Rocket Lab's Electron rocket from a spaceport in Mahia, New Zealand, Seoul-based Yonhap News Agency reported, citing a Ministry of Science and ICT statement. The satellite, named NEONSAT-1, was deployed into space at an altitude of 520 kilometres (323 miles), about 50 minutes after the rocket's launch, according to the report. The satellite developed by the state-run Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) for mass production, NEONSAT-1 weighs less than 100 kilograms and has a resolution of 1 metre. Read also: China launches new remote sensing satellite Seoul plans to launch five more nanosatellites into space in June 2026 and five more in September 2027 to better monitor the Korean Peninsula and its surrounding regions. Earlier, this month, South Korea also "successfully" launched its second indigenous spy satellite on a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket. South Korea launched its first spy satellites in December last year after North Korea placed its first military spy satellite into orbit in November and vowed to launch three more spy satellites this year.
South Korea launches nanosatellite from New Zealand
Reviewed by Healthy Living Guide
April 25, 2024
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