A police case has been registered against Congress leader Rahul Gandhi following a complaint by the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), accusing him of causing injuries to two of its MPs during a protest outside Parliament on Wednesday, Indian media reported on Thursday. BJP MPs Pratap Sarangi and Mukesh Rajput sustained head injuries in the incident, which occurred amidst parallel protests from the Treasury and Opposition benches. The case was filed under multiple sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), including voluntary causing grievous hurt, endangering life or personal safety, criminal force, criminal intimidation, and common intention. Additionally, the BJP has accused Gandhi of attempted murder. Anurag Thakur, a former Union Minister and BJP MP, along with MPs Bansuri Swaraj and Hemang Joshi, lodged the complaint, alleging that Gandhi physically pushed BJP MPs, leading to the injuries. "We have filed a complaint against Rahul Gandhi for assault and provocation. He pushed an MP, injuring two BJP MPs, who are now hospitalised," Thakur told reporters. Pratap Sarangi, one of the injured MPs, stated that he was hurt when Rahul Gandhi pushed Rajput, who then fell onto Sarangi. "I was standing near the stairs when Rahul Gandhi came and pushed an MP who then fell on me. I fell down because of this," Sarangi said. The BJP has accused Gandhi of hooliganism, a claim that the Leader of the Opposition denied. Gandhi dismissed the accusations as an attempt to distract from comments made by Union Home Minister Amit Shah regarding BR Ambedkar. In response, the Congress party has also filed a complaint, with Congress President Mallikarjun Kharge alleging that BJP MPs pushed him, resulting in injuries to his legs. Meanwhile, BJP Rajya Sabha MP from Nagaland, Phangnon Konyak, accused Gandhi of "shouting" at her during the protest, describing his behaviour as "unbecoming" of the Leader of the Opposition. Konyak explained that while she was part of the protest, Gandhi approached her, shouting accusations, which she found distressing while confirming that she has filed a complaint with the Rajya Sabha chairman regarding the incident. The protests, which occurred outside the Makar Dwar of Parliament House, were reportedly peaceful before the alleged altercations took place.
FIR registered against Rahul Gandhi after clash in Indian Parliament
Reviewed by Healthy Living Guide
December 20, 2024
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